Nowadays, it is very important that the person responsible for the company knows what CNAE is, especially in the regularization of your company and its products. This term may seem a bit complex, but we at Stone Okamont are here to help you understand what CNAE is and how important it is to regularize your Company.
CNAE is a National Code of Business Activity, that is, it is the code that will determine what your company does.
If your company makes the manufacture of products, it will have a cnae manufacturing, if it distributes, will have a Distribution CNAE, and so on.
In the Secretariat of the Internal Revenue Service, the CNAE is a code to be informed in the Registration Form of Legal Entity (FCPJ) that will feed the National Registry of Legal Entities / CNPJ.
The first step in classifying your company's CNAE is to talk to your accountant. The classification of a CNAE is extremely important, and may harm in the future in the Company Operating Authorization and product registration.
The second step is to identify in the CNAE code and denomination table what the activity code your company identifies will be by analyzing the that your company will operate, whether it will have resale, service provision, whether it will market, and what the goods will be. So it is very important that your accountant has at hand the entire report of your company with all the specifications and procedures that will be carried out. After this activity identification process, you'll know if you'll have only one CNAE or several.
The table of codes and names of CNAE was made official upon publication in the DOU - RESOLUTIONS IBGE/CONCLA No. 01 of September 4, 2006 and No. 02, of December 15, 2006.
See here the CNAE code table. When you enter the page, click Structure (at the bottom right, next to Search) to have the first large division of sections of CNAE.
Therefore, the options will be increasingly specific. You will choose, in this order, the section, the division, the group, and finally the class that best matches your company's activity type until you find your CNAE-Fiscal, which consists of seven numbers.
After the correct classification, your counter will guide you to the next steps for the opening of your company.
Count on Stone Okamont, we will present smart solutions for your company to succeed in your Licenses, Authorizations and Registrations, starting from the correct CNAE!
Contact us and learn about our efficient solutions.
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