How to register the insecticide “Lambda-Cyhalothrin”


Cyhalothrin is a synthetic organic compound used as a pesticide, which mimics pyrethrin present in chrysanthemum cinerariifolium flowers. Pyrethrins are used to control insects in domestic animals or livestock.

The variety of pests makes the choice of an insecticide essential for the success of the treatment. Therefore, see what are the pests that are harming your crop for the correct application of the insecticide.

The process can be complicated, but Stone Okamont has the highest authorities in regulatory affairs! We are ready to register the "Lambda-Cyhalothrin" at MAPA!

This type of product is registered by the brazilian Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA), after approval of the toxicological dossier issued by ANVISA and the ecotoxicological dossier issued by IBAMA.

To register the insecticide "Lambda-Cyhalothrin" at MAPA, it’s essential to have the necessary knowledge, for this Stone Okamont can help you to obtain the registration of your product.

Come to Stone Okamont and use the Zero Bureaucracy method to register your product. Contact us or request your budget at the link below.

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See what are the regulatory steps required to register the insecticide Lambda-Cyhalothrin:

  1. Establishment Registration at the Agricultural Defense Coordination of your state;
  1. Registration of the Establishment at regulatory agencies MAPA/ANVISA/IBAMA;


I - MAPA: Evaluation of agronomic efficacy; 

II - ANVISA: Toxicological classification;

III - IBAMA: Environmental dangerousness assessment.

MAPA follows the guidelines and requirements of the health agencies, in this case the Public Prosecutor's Office (MS), represented by the brazilian National Health SurveillanceAgency (ANVISA). It also follows the guidelines and laws of the environment, in this case the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), represented by the Brazilian Institute of The Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).  

Product registration at MAPA.

After the regularization of the company in at the Coordination of Agricultural Defense of your state it will be possible to request a registration of the insecticide Lambda-Cyhalothrin. For this, it’s necessary to register the company in the 3 regulatory agencies, for later presentation of a range of documents, which will be analyzed for issuance of the registration.

Stone Okamont operates in an intermediate way between your company and regulatory agencies, facilitating the entire product classification process, pointing out the necessary documentation for each type of product you want to register. We elaborate everything that is requested during the Product Registration process.

How can we help?

Stone Okamont has expertise in regulatory pathways and expert consultants, so if you need help registering the Lambda-Cyhalothrin insecticide, please contact us through the form below. We deliver fast and efficient results!

Nayara Barillari
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