Do you know the difference between herbal medicine and medicinal plant?

Do you know the difference between herbal medicine and medicinal plant?

For those born in countries with abundant natural resources, it has been growing knowing at least one recipe with plants to solve health problems.

The oldest ones, mainly, always have some miracle tea or leaflet and, if we look at it, many of these active ingredients are already used in, say, conventional medicine. But, after all, what is the difference between herbal medicines and the well-known medicinal plants?

Herbal medicines are those that are obtained from plant derivatives and that the risks, the mechanisms of action and where they act in our body are known. These medicines are made exclusively from vegetable raw material.

Medicinal plants are plant species, that is, they are not subjected to an industrialized manufacturing and quality control process. They have been identified and used throughout human history. They have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions.

Although difficult to reach a consensus, a phytotherapic can be defined as a medicine (obtained by pharmaceutical and industrialized technology) of plant origin (phytomedication) characterized by presenting several chemical substances (phytochemicals) responsible for therapeutic and \ or side effects (too).

When using the medicinal plant in an industrial way to obtain a medicine, an herbal medicine appears. The industrialization process is important because it avoids contamination, in addition to correctly measuring the amount that a person can consume.

Usually, the population makes use of this type of plant through teas, infusions, macerates, juices, among other forms. Although there are many professionals who trust the use of medicines of natural origin, some are still resistant to their prescription.

In Brazil, quality scientific publications on the subject are scarce and little is known about the effects with the prolonged use of these products.

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What is the advantage of using an herbal medicine instead of the medicinal plant?

The phytotherapic manufacturing process avoids contamination by microorganisms, pesticides and foreign substances. It is subjected to a standardized production process, so that each preparation uses the correct amount and the right shape of the plant, allowing greater safety in use.


 According to ANVISA, herbal medicines are characterized by the effectiveness of their use, as well as by the reproducibility and constancy of their quality.

Its efficacy and safety are validated through ethnopharmacological surveys of use, technoscientific documentation in phase 3 publications or clinical trials. An herbal medicine is not considered to be one that, in its composition, includes isolated active substances, of any origin, nor their associations with extracts. vegetables.

It is important to highlight that a medicine that contains isolated active substances, as well as its association with plant extracts, is not considered a herbal medicine.

Herbal teas

 According to ANVISA - National Health Surveillance Agency, “herbal medicines are medicines obtained using, as an active principle, exclusively derived from plant drugs. They are characterized by knowledge of the effectiveness and risks of their use, as well as by the constancy of their quality”.

Public availability

 In Brazil, the Ministry of Health makes available the use of herbal medicines in public health. Since 2007, Brazilian municipalities can acquire medicines to be used in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, for flu and cough symptoms.

Product Registration

 All herbal products must have its action proven through pharmacological and toxicological studies. In addition, a survey should be made of the published articles, as well as the traditional knowledge about a particular plant species.

Only after confirmed its action and quality, it is recorded.

To register this product please contact Stone Okamont and ask all questions you have about this matter with one of our consultants.

Do you know the difference between herbal medicine and medicinal plant?

 For those born in countries with abundant natural resources, it has been growing knowing at least one recipe with plants to solve health problems.

The older ones, mostly, always have some miraculous tea or leaf and, if we look, many of these active ingredients are already used in medicine, say, conventional.

But, after all, what is the difference between herbal medicines and well-known medicinal plants?

Herbal medicines are those that are obtained from plant derivatives and that risks, mechanisms of action and where they act on our body are known. These medicines are made exclusively of vegetable raw material.

Medicinal plants are plant species, that is, they are not subjected to an industrialized process of manufacturing and quality control. They have been identified and used throughout human history.

They have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions. Although difficult to agree, an herbal medicine can be defined as a drug (obtained by pharmaceutical and industrialized technology) of plant origin (phytomedicine) characterized by presenting several chemicals (phytochemicals) responsible for therapeutic and\or collateral effects (also).

When using the medicinal plant in an industrial way to obtain a drug, an herbal medicine arises. The industrialization process is important because it avoids contamination, in addition to correctly dosing the amount that a person can consume.

Usually, the population makes use of this type of plant through teas, infusions, macerated, juices, among other forms. Although there are many professionals who rely on the use of medicines of natural origin, some are still resistant to their prescription.

In Brazil, quality scientific publications on the subject are scarce and little is known about the effects with the prolonged use of these products.

What is the advantage of using an herbal medicine instead of the medicinal plant?

The manufacturing process of the herbal plant prevents contamination by microorganisms, pesticides and foreign substances. It is submitted to a standardized production process, so that each preparation uses a correct amount and the right shape of the plant, allowing greater safety in use.

Nayara Barillari
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